How we’re Working with Paxton to Improve Security in Schools

82% of call outs completed same day

82%of call outs completed same day

24/7 365 day call out response

24/7365 day call out response

Operating within West London and the South East

Operatingwithin West London and the South East

We’re very excited about our new partnership with leading access control specialist, Paxton. We’re going to be working closely with them to continue to expand our expertise in the education sector, helping keep our schools, colleges and universities safe.

Access control is the perfect way to secure your school against thieves, protecting students, staff and property. Access control allows you to electronically manage access to both your school and potentially sensitive areas, like a science lab. Working with Paxton, we’re able to make this both a cost-effective and straightforward process for any school, college or university. There are a large number of benefits to securing your school with an access control unit, some of which we’ll try to detail in this blog.

Firstly, access control is more cost-effective when versus traditional keys. Losing keys is an unwanted expense, both with time and money. Electronic keycards are quickly and easily barred should one be lost. Meanwhile, Paxton’s Net2 access control offers a complete solution, integrating with CCTV, intruder and fire alarms for even greater security. Net2 Entry also provides a smart, effective video entry system that means you have to gain visual verification before being allowed access to a restricted area. It’s a simple way to enhance security.

We’re able to enhance the internal security as well thanks to Net2 PaxLock, which is a door handle with access control built-in. These handles can easily replace existing ones, allowing for your internal security to be improved quickly and efficiently. Finally, if there’s an emergency, you can lockdown the school at the press of a button, meaning only authorised personnel can pass through doors during the lockdown. Of course, if you’re concerned that this sounds like it might be a drain on energy, don’t worry - you can set the system to switch off utilities when the building is empty, helping you save on money.

Our partnership with Paxton is going to yield exciting opportunities and innovations when it comes to protecting and securing our schools, colleges and universities. Their Net2 software and Net2 Entry offer complete control over visitor access and provide a safer environment for children, as well as the staff that work there. To learn more about our new partnership and how it’ll deepen our commitment to securing the education sector, get in touch on 0845 0340 899.

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